20 for 20

Our unique intern program will allow you to build a set of skills that are highly sought after in our industry.



Our unique program gives our interns access to some of the most sought after professionals in the IT field. Our top candidates receive intense training from Microsoft Certified Masters in various areas of Microsoft services with a small ratio, so all of your questions are answered.

Throughout the program, interns will learn our method of Service Delivery to our customers to build confidence in planning and deployment of each technology covered. Go on site with one of our consultants and get hands on experience, way more than you’ll ever receive through college or vocational training.

We cut out the fluff.

It can take decades to gain the knowledge our consultants have, but just like technology, our lives aren’t slowing down anytime soon. Our training content is personally curated by our top consultants, boiled down simply to what you need to know to be successful in your career.

Training Areas

Domain Name Services

Learn the Namespace, Servers and Resolvers that DNS encompasses and the differences between each. Get in depth information about the different hierarchies within Domains, the physical structures, query process and much more using hand crafted presentations and lab test environments. 

Windows Server 2016

Gain the confidence needed to help deliver global-scale cloud services to our clients. We provide several study materials in the form of textbooks and online presentations for your resources for Windows Server and hold review sessions with our executive team to prepare you for your MCA certification.

Unified Messaging

Shadow one of our experts in Exchange and Office 365 to understand the inner workings of our UM practice. Learning to integrate communication within a workplace may prove vital to success in your career.

Office 365

Learn to give access to Microsoft Office tools to our clients from virtually anywhere, plus collaboration services that are easy to administer. Learn to install the latest Office applications across multiple computers and devices.

Active Directory

Digest the fundamentals of Active Directory services, the CB5 way. We will lead you in finding more information on this Microsoft created technology that provides several network services for its clients.

Our Talent

At CB5, the quality of our consultants is of utmost importance, several of whom are certified masters in their field. The highest skill level in the industry, our company possesses such accreditation in 5 disciplines including Office 365, Exchange, Directory Services, Skype and Infrastructure. Through our program, you’ll have access directly to these resources during training.

We make sure knowledge transfer not only spreads throughout our company, but is communicated clearly to our customers in order to maintain a high standing reputation in our community. Our goal in 20 for 20 is to pass on the skills and confidence necessary to be one among our exemplary team!


This internship program [was] exceptional. I learned a tremendous amount… and became very interested in the subjects that we were taught. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity that has been given to me and enjoyed getting to better know the great people that work here.

– Tyler B, Student at Appalachian State University

[From] using study books and getting our hands on everything to creating virtual machines … [it’s been] the most intense and awesome thing I’ve experienced in this field. I have learned more than I ever would have in school in the past 4 years!

– Aaron M, Student at Appalachian State University

This program surpassed my expectations because I did not expect to get a chance at earning a certification for the summer. However, I did expect to learn as much as I did because I knew CB5 would push me past my limit. I really enjoyed the program and the people, in which I got a chance to know better. I really appreciate…this amazing opportunity!

– Brittany C, Student at University of North Carolina, Charlotte

… some of the most intense training I have ever participated in. Expectations regarding intern performance were high, but instructors were always available and willing to provide any assistance needed by interns. The internship too was structured in such a way as to encourage interns to learn and develop skills across a diaspora of Microsoft technologies. I would recommend this internship to anyone willing to challenge themselves to increase their technological knowledge and proficiency.

– Jeremy V, Professor at University of North Carolina, Charlotte


For more information or to apply send resumes to recruiting@cbfive.com 

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